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Little Lord:  The Peanut Butter Show

Little Lord:  The Peanut Butter Show


7:30 PM

The Doxsee
232 52nd Street, Sunset Park, Brooklyn


Little Lord is a queer theater troupe whose work is funny, surreal, on-target.  If you don't know them, you'd be well advised to make their acquaintance.  I'll let the presenting venue explain what this show is about:

Based on the deceptively simple yet rich language in “McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers,” a series of textbooks used from the 1830s to today, THE PEANUT BUTTER SHOW amplifies some of the awkward and often grotesque techniques used to teach generations of Americans how to read, think and behave. Little Lord delves into the moralistic underpinnings of these books to explore how education is used as a tool of social conditioning — along with other concerns such as the humiliating cult of puberty, the sadistic allure of shame, the awkwardness of children’s musical “edutainment,” and whether or not it’s ever okay to poop with the door open.

Their shows often involve the distribution of food and beverage.  You can bet that this time peanut butter will be involved.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Walk up 52nd Street to 8th Avenue and you're smack dab in Brooklyn Chinatown.  You can pretty much walk into any place that looks good to you and expect a treat.  But if you want a specific recommendation, Lucky Eight -- right around the corner on 8th Avenue -- serves great Cantonese.

Earlier Event: October 1
A.I.M.: Dearest Home
Later Event: October 2
The Mahler Question