7:00 PM
Areté Venue & Gallery
67 West Street #103, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
You must know by now that I'm good for a recommendation of just about any Morton Feldman performance -- and here's another one. The violin-and-piano duo For John Cage is typical Feldman: long and spare enough to be cut off from duration as an element, long and spare enough in fact to be cut off from development or even eventfullness as elements. (Hey, don't get scared: this one only lasts an hour and a quarter or so.) The music is there, that's all, and you're kind of led through it as a landscape. It's not that nothing happens; it's that things happen slowly and quietly -- but once you're tuned in they affect you greatly. If you've never tried Feldman, this is a good place to start; if you've tried him and liked it, you're already addicted.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Speaking of things that are overrated but still manage to be quite good, there's Oxomoco, one of the hottest restaurants in New York right now. This Mexican restaurant might not make you feel the earth move -- Mexico City residents might find that a relief -- but I can't imagine anyone not enjoying this stuff.
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Later Event: October 18
BRIC JazzFest