Mason Bates: Anthology of Fantastic Zoology
8:00 PM
Philadelphia Orchestra
Carnegie Hall
881 7th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan
A weird mixed bag of a program. You get a new piece by Mason Bates, who writes classical music like the EDM DJ he also is. You get Wagner's Lohengrin Prelude, possibly the most beautiful thing in all of Western music. You get Chausson's lovely Poème de l'Amour et de la Mer (which at least is sort of Wagnerian in style and so makes some sense on this program) -- sung by Joyce DiDonato, no less! (This great orchestra and its Music Director, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, should make a meal of that piece.) And then you get one of the worst pieces in the standard rep, Respighi's Fountains of Rome (at least it's better than the other two parts of the Roman Triptych).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Modern Indian at Indian Accent.