Peter Brook / Marie-Hélène Estienne: The Prisoner
SATURDAY & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 - 25, 2018 (continuing through DECEMBER 16, 2018)
7:30 PM
Theater for a New Audience
262 Ashland Place, Fort Greene, Brooklyn
This parable of punishment and freedom looks distressingly like a "problem play". And it's emphatically set in an "exotic" place, so it raises concerns about cultural appropriation. BUT Peter Brook is certainly one of the great living theater artists anywhere. He is never simplistic, literal, nor formulaic. And over the course of a long career, he's shown remarkable sympathy for and understanding of non-European cultures. So don't forget your misgivings -- but don't let them keep you from this show.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: It somehow seems appropriate to go to Le Caye, where the excellent Haitian food represents a fusion of African and European modes of cooking effectuated in the Caribbean.