Bojan Vuletic: RecomposingArt VIII: Cy Twombly: beautiful in the subversion of beauty
7:30 PM
Nate Wooley / Jon Irabagon / Matt Moran / Mivos Quartet
1 Rivington
1 Rivington Street, Lower East Side, Manhattan
$15; $10 students
I'm all for music that blurs the lines between classical, pop, and jazz. But Bojan Vuletic is one of those composers who do it in a way that's too soft-edged, so the results too frequently end up sounding like the movie music Vuletic makes a living from. Nevertheless, this piece -- the latest in a series inspired by artists in various media and their work -- is scored for the enticing combination of trumpet, sax, vibes, and string quartet. And you couldn't assemble a more imposing bunch of NYC musicians to play it!
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: When ace bartender Kenta Goto opened his eponymous Bar Goto a few years ago, every knew that the Japanese-themed cocktails would be exemplary. What was more of a happy surprise was how very very good the home-style Japanese bar snacks were. A great place.