Rzewski Festival: Hamm, DeMare, Noble
5:30 PM
70 Flushing Avenue, Garage A, Fort Greene, Brooklyn
$20 suggested donation each show; $40 festival pass
The first evening of a festival, continuing through next THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 (with an outlying show on NOVEMBER 29), exploring and celebrating the work of vieil homme terrible Frederic Rzewski. Rzewski composes engaged, engaging music with direct appeal -- some of the most accessible "avant-garde" music there is. This show, featuring three formidablepianists (Rzewski being a mightily formidable pianist himself), includes Rzewski's greatest hit, the titanic The People United Will Never Be Defeated!, a set of piano variations worthy to stand with the Goldbergs and the Diabellis.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: If it's Sunday I must be sending you to a cozy New American place. Indeed, perhaps the coziest one of all: Vinegar Hill House.