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Lev "Ljova" Zhurbin & Vasko Dukovski

Lev "Ljova" Zhurbin & Vasko Dukovski

7:00 PM

70 Flushing Avenue, Garage A, Fort Greene, Brooklyn

$15; $10 student/senior

If there's any musician I wish I could turn you all onto, it's Lev "Ljova" Zhurbin, a composer/violist who writes and plays eternally fresh music with all sorts of Balkan, Jewish, Russian, and classical influences (yes, he's the eclectic composer Alexander's son).  (See Ljova's band Kontraband sometime:  you'll thank me!)  This show, with the Macedonian avant-garde composer/performer Vasko Dukovski, at first seems to promise to veer mostly toward the avant-classical side of things -- until you remember that Dubovski also plays with the Paragon Ragtime Orchestra.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:   I realize there may be some ethnic profiling going on here, but I can't resist sending you to Miss Ada, the fun-on-a-stick Modern Israeli place (with East European overtones) (the best chicken liver dish in New York!!!!!!).

Earlier Event: December 8
Hospital Fest
Later Event: December 8
Stephanie Lamprea