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Wayne Horvitz: The Snowghost Sessions

Wayne Horvitz: The Snowghost Sessions

8:00 PM


509 Atlantic Avenue (entrance on 3rd Avenue), Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

$18 advance; $25 door

Is Wayne Horvitz pop, jazz, or classical?  As Count Basie was made to say in that famous TV commercial in which he was asked whether the voice he was listening to emanated from Ella Fitzgerald or a cassette recording tape, "damned if I can tell."  Here, we get piece for string quartet and soloists played by the Mivos Quartet and some rather notable local players; and a piece for Horvitz on keyboards and a small chamber jazz ensemble more in keeping with his usual stuff.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  You might not expect to find a good Ethiopian restaurant on Fourth Avenue at the edge of Park Slope.  But there Ghenet is.

Earlier Event: December 5
Lainie Fefferman/ Seth Cluett
Later Event: December 5
Machine// Body