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Sandbox Percussion x Ricardo Romaneiro: SUPPERCLUB

  • (Le) Poisson Rouge 158 Bleecker Street New York, NY, 10012 United States (map)

8:00 PM

Sandbox Percussion x Ricardo Romaneiro:  SUPPERCLUB
(Le) Poisson Rouge
158 Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan

$20-$30 advance; $25-$35 door

You're probably sick of hearing me insist that contemporary classical and electronic dance music aren't all that far apart from each other.  Here's more proof:  an NYC producer of electronic dance parties presents a solid contemporary classical concert featuring another one of the coterie of ace Indie Classical percussion ensembles we're now blessed with, along with a dance-oriented electronic/minimalist composer/sound designer, playing a set of compositions by such New Music luminaries as Steve ReichAndy Akiho, and Viet Cuong -- as well as a brand new piece by the composer/sound designer, Ricardo Romaneiro.  This show is aimed solidly at the producer's usual dance-music crowd (which is why they promote it as a "supperclub", with food and beverage service, rather than just stating it's the kind of sit-down concert their patrons dread; LPR habitués know, of course, that beverage and food service are always available during LPR table shows).  Which means, in the end, that this should be even more fun than concerts of this type of music usually are.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  What with the food, drink, and an after-party after the performance and all, this is presented as an entire night in itself.  (Too bad the food at LPR isn't very good.)  Far be it from me to contravene them.  Nevertheless, if you care about what food you put into The Temple That Is Your Body, you might prefer to sneak over to the homey and adorable Bessou after the show, for delicious Northern Japanese cuisine.