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Tall Juan

  • Trans-Pecos 915 Wyckoff Avenue Ridgewood, NY, 11385 United States (map)

10:00 PM

Tall Juan
915 Wyckoff Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens


This Buenos Aires transplant makes music that mostly sounds like The Ramones, but occasionally sounds more psych than that.  Needless to say, I love it to pieces.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  After the show ends at 2 AM or so, you're on your own.  Before, I'm going to send you to one of the hottest and best new places in New York.  Yes, it's a 15-minute walk -- but it's a straight shot down Wyckoff (OK, and around the corner at Himrod).  At Ops Pizza, people (very much including me) are raving about the Neapolitan pizza.  But what we're really going crazy about is the off-the-hook (and low markup!) natural wine program (no list:  you talk to the waitron and try some huge pours).  And it's open till midnight -- not that that'll help you tonight.

Earlier Event: May 19
Alicia Svigals:  The Yellow Ticket
Later Event: May 19
Stephanie Richards: Fullmoon