7:30 PM
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Austrian Cultural Forum
11 East 52nd Street, Midtown, Manhattan
The world premiere of what is billed as an opera for two improvisers. What will it even sound like? Since the two improvisers are solid members of their respective cities' jazz-on-the-edge-of-improvisational-New Music scenes -- the Irish-born vocalist Laura Kinsella in London, the Austrian-born Elias Stemeseder in Brooklyn -- we can certainly expect the best.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: To say that people who follow food in New York are excited about Saar Bistro is an understatement. It is supposed to mark the return to serious cooking (after a few years of executive-chef "consulting") of Hemant Mathur -- one of the very very best Indian chefs ever to have graced this City. The fare is billed as "inventive Indian" -- and fans of Mathur's work at Devi and Tulsi can only be eager to try it.
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Earlier Event: May 30
Annie Gosfield
Later Event: May 30
Toshiki Okada: Time's Journey Through a Room