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Time's Arrow:  Webern Part 2

  • St. Paul's Chapel 209 Broadway Manhattan, NY, 10007 United States (map)

1:00 PM

Time's Arrow:  Webern Part 2
NOVUS NY/The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
St. Paul's Chapel
209 Broadway, FiDi, Manhattan


This is a festival devoted to Anton Webern, one of those figures who have reputations of being formidable and unwelcoming, but whose music, when listened to without prejudice, turns out to have immense appeal.  I mean, a student of Schoenberg, a part of the Second Viennese School.  But just listen:  his very short pieces are gorgeous, diamond-like.  Aside from music of Webern, this series of concerts features works by subsequent composers (including the great great Ligeti, the very un-Webern-like Christopher Rouse, and local fave Christopher Cerrone) as well as a predecessor in the form ofBrahms's A German Requiem (one of the best things in all of Western music, if you ask me) (as you implicitly did by opening this newsletter).  Also, a lot of stuff by Marti Epstein, whose post-romantic style I don't care for much myself -- but maybe you will.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  In other words, grab some lunch.  If Pisillo Italian Panini were anywhere else in New York but the FiDi, it would be famous.  Their Italian heroes are as good -- make that GREAT -- as those you get at legendary sandwich shops like Alidoro.  But it isn't anywhere else, so it isn't famous.  Which doesn't mean you shouldn't make a bee-line for it from St. Paul's.  Word to the wise:  it is virtually impossible for one person to finish one of these sandwiches (which nevertheless cost all of something around $12) in one sitting; plan on making a second lunch of it the day after.