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Chris Green:  American Weather

  • HERE 145 6th Avenue New York, NY, 10012 United States (map)

TUESDAY - SATURDAY, JUNE 19 - 23 (continuing through JUNE 30)
7:00 PM

Chris Green:  American Weather
145 6th Avenue (entrance on Dominick Street), Hudson Square, Manhattan


Chris Green does puppet-based multi-media pieces (maybe you remember the Noh adaptation starring Wendy Whelan and Jock Soto he did at BAM a few years ago).   This one, taking daily life in America as its theme, involves live music (Green composes; Sxip Shirey music directs), movement, puppetry, found texts, and animation.  Audience participation is threatened.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Some friends just conveyed to me the startling (and happy) news that Aquagrill is still good.  If you're willing to eat oysters in summer, theirs have always been excellent.  But there's plenty of other seafood on offer as well.  It's nice to know this place is still in play.