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Northside Music Festival



Northside Music Festival
Various Locations
Williamsburg & Bushwick, Brooklyn

Various prices

This has been a major event each year over the last decade -- but it's almost beginning to seem like a nostalgia fest, trying to recreate a time when the Northside of Williamsburg was cool and rock music had a pulse.  This year's festival looks a bit constricted:  no big outdoor shows in McCarren Park, less packed schedule (at least as of the time of writing).  The Big Deal Show is pretty clearly Liz Phair doing Exile in Guyville (more nostalgia!) with Soccer Mommy as opening act at National Sawdust on Thursday (but good luck getting in!).  Also of note are the Parquet Courts on a boat on Sunday (but good luck getting in!).  A double bill of the overrated Protomartyr and the ever-fabulous Deerhoof at Elsewhere Saturday night.  And -- a relief from all that rock music -- R&B rebel Shamir at a light-night show at Baby's All Right on Saturday.  But really, what's fun is stumbling from venue to venue catching acts you might never have heard of before.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  I don't even know where you'll be.  Anyway, I think you can find places to eat and drink in Williamsburg and Bushwick.

Earlier Event: June 6
David Hertzberg:  The Rose Elf
Later Event: June 7
C4:  Water Music