7:00 PM
Jerry Lieblich: The Barbarians
Dixon Place
161A Chrystie Street, Lower East Side, Manhattan
Advance: $17; $14 students/seniors/ID NYC
Door: $20; $17 students/seniors/ID NYC
This absurdist fantasia presents another of those cases where I can't do better than quote the promotional materials: "A encyclopedic rambunctious gollywompus of a play concerning speech acts, political power, fractal geometry, eusociality, theater, and some other stuff too, in which a witness at a trial describes to us a play in which a team of scientists attempts to use real speeches from real US Presidents to nullify the language-power of the fake US President (but also maybe the real US President) while the rest of us bozos try to go on living lives of picturesque American normalcy, unaware that this isn’t a theater at all it’s an aircraft carrier and we’re headed for war." The cast includes Geoff Sobelle, who, as I note in another context above, can do no wrong. It doesn't hurt that the director is Big Dance Theater's Paul Lazar, either.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: There may be only one restaurant in New York that lives up to the fantastic absurdity of this piece -- and it's right next door: Sammy's Roumanian Steakhouse.
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Earlier Event: June 21
Alberto Savinio: Les Chants de la Mi-Mort
Later Event: June 21
Molissa Fenley & Company: Their Mark