8:00 PM
The Kitchen
512 West 19th Street, Chelsea, Manhattan
Jazz musicians don't come any more major than the current generation's Vijay Iyer and elder statesman Wadada Leo Smith. They both straddle the border between jazz and composed art music, although Iyer is more cool, Smith more heated. Their recorded collaboration, A Cosmic Rhythm With Each Stroke, was fascinating -- making the chance to see them perform together live essential. Opening are a contemporary Indian voice-and-percussion duo. And preceding the concert is a sound installation Iyer made with texts by the essayist Garnette Cadogan.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: I'm feeling El Quinto Pino tonight. Wouldn't an uni sandwich be just the thing?
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Earlier Event: June 27
Mise-En Music Festival
Later Event: June 27
Kate Scelsa: Everyone's Fine with Virginia Woolf