12:00 PM
22-25 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, Queens
$18 advance; $22/$18 students door
The PS1 Saturday summertime Warm Up electronic dance music series is another thing you hardly need me to tell you about. But, needed or not, I'm telling you it's starting up again. To me, the big deal on this opening bill is the Lisbon DJ Nídia, whose exuberant (imagine exuberant music from Portugal: this is something new!) music combines elements from all over Portuguese-speaking Africa. But I'm also always good for a shout-out to just about anything from Oslo -- very much including Cashmere Cat, whose EDM is positively poppy. And, of course, lots more.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: I recently ate at Manducatis, and I was almost surprised at what a great time I had. Sure, as at almost almost any of the classic Red Sauce places, you can find flaws with the cooking. But the menu is more consistently interesting than at most of them -- and whatever flaws there may be in the cooking don't get in the way of the deep satisfaction and pleasure that even merely decent iterations of this beloved cuisine can provide. Most of the fun, though, comes from the wine program: someone apparently forgot to tell them about marking to market, so you can find a large number of well-stored old bottles at less than their current market prices (if you could even find them). Don't even think about ordering by the glass here.
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Earlier Event: June 29
Teodora Stepančić
Later Event: June 30
Amnesia Wars: Ciphered Bridges: Hudson Exhibit III!