12:00 - 5:00 PM
William Shakespeare: The Tempest
Dysfunctional Collective
Nolan Park House 8B, Governors Island, Manhattan
An immersive production of this greatest of plays, in which each storyline is performed separately, simultaneously in different rooms; you can stay in one room to see one story, follow a particular character from room/storyline to room/storyline to see the character's complete arc, or wander among rooms at random. Finally, after about 40 minutes, all the viewers converge in Prospero's cell in the basement for a finale weaving all the threads together. Frankly, I'm kind of fed up with this type of immersive theater: I feel the underlying work gets butchered; it seems to me to be theater for people with too little sitzfleisch for real theater. But if you're not over this stuff yet, this is definitely worth a try.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: There are plenty of food trucks and stands -- and a beer garden -- on Governors Island. If you want a drink and maybe a snack after the ferry ride back to the bigger islands -- and at least as far as the drink goes, I can't imagine why you wouldn't -- there's The Long Island Bar near the Brooklyn landing. The nearest excellent cocktail bar to the Manhattan landing, Dead Rabbit, had a fire and is closed till July 19; their Cuban-themed sister bar, BlackTail, is a little bit farther walk from the ferry landing -- but to tell you the truth, I like it even better than its celebrated world-famous sibling.
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Earlier Event: July 13
Elysia Crampton
Later Event: July 14
The Octopus Project