8:00 PM
Murmrr Ballroom
17 Eastern Parkway, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn
$20 advance; $25 door
If any rock sub-genre has aged well, it's Krautrock, that extreme prog variation from early-'70s Germany that sounds better now than it did then. What's interesting is that while British prog bands of the period claimed classical influence by aping long-dead 19th Century Romantic tropes, Krautrock -- without much talking about it -- incorporated elements of then-contemporary classical forms: drone, Minimalism, even Cage (which puts them in a line with the sainted Velvet Underground; Faust even recorded an album with Tony Conrad taking off from the music he made in the mid-'60s with The Dream Syndicate, an avant-garde classical ensemble that was a direct precursor of the Velvets). Since the Krautrock bands were actually in conversation with living music (rather than trying to steal prestige from dead music), their music retains its relevance now, just as Terry Riley's or La Monte Young's does. Faust may not have been the single best Krautrock band, perhaps (most people would probably choose Can; my vote goes to Neu!) -- but it was a really good one.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Gold Star Beer Counter should still be open after the show. Great beer. Edible food.
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