8:00 PM
Endangered Heart Quartet
1 Water Street, Fulton Ferry Landing, Brooklyn
$40/$35 seniors/$20 students & children
The story behind this rather improbable sax/trombone/violin/double bass ensemble is that New York fake-jazz great Roy Nathanson started playing (on sax) with Ditmas Park homie Tim Kiah, a bassist, in a local cafe. Seeking to round out an ensemble, they each invited a friend. Nathanson brought in his old bandmate from the Jazz Passengers, trombonist Curtis Fowlkes -- merely one of the best players in New York. Kiah brought in violinist Jesse Mills, late of the FLUX Quartet (and their epic traversals of Morton Feldman's String Quartet No. 2). Now they cheerfully play their own material (and believe me, Nathanson can really write) and arrangements of pop, classical, and folk tunes. And of course, listening to music on a barge off the Fulton Ferry Landing, looking out at the Lower Manhattan skyline, is its own reward.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Yes, the River Cafe is expensive; and yes, it's stodgy; and yes, you have to dress up. But before or after an evening listening to music on a barge off the Fulton Ferry Landing with spectacular Downtown views, there's nothing better than . . . eating dinner on a barge off the Fulton Ferry Landing with spectacular Downtown views. Moreover, while this dining-room-with-a-view has no need whatsoever to serve good food, it neverthelessdoes. Treat yourself.
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Earlier Event: July 26
Tim Sparks
Later Event: July 28
Erin Bregman: This Is Not a Torture or an Engine