8:00 PM
Time Spans Festival
Mary Flager Cary Hall, DiMenna Center for Classical Music
450 West 37th Street, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan
$20; $10 students/seniors; $50 five-concert Festival Pass
The annual Time Spans Festival of New Music concerts* put on by the Earle Brown Music Foundation (the invaluable legacy of an invaluable composer) kicks off with the excellent Bozzini Quartet from Montreal (see, now I'm back to liking everything from Montreal). The program features Canadian composers. Now Cassandra Miller is an excellent composer, but what I'm really excited about is a piece by a new favorite of mine, Linda Catlin Smith. You can tell that she likes Morton Feldman and the Wandelweisers -- lots of space, quiet, and expansive time frames in her music -- but she doesn't really sound like them. She writes with an almost Ravelian clarity and fastidious finesse (I wonder what she'd think of that comparison?). If you haven't heard her music yet, please try to.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: The major restaurant in this area right now is Legacy Records. I find its overly comfortable American-masquerading-as-Italian food representative of much of what's wrong with the pandering and lazy run of restaurants that have proliferated in New York over the last couple of years. On the other hand, you can't deny that the food tastes good enough. People love it -- it's wildly popular -- and so may you.
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Earlier Event: August 14
Eliza Bent: The Beyoncé
Later Event: August 14
Basil Twist: Symphonie Fantastique