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The Blak Blondz

  • Areté Venue and Gallery 67 West Street #103 Brooklyn, NY, 11222 United States (map)

9:00 PM

Areté Venue and Gallery
67 West Street #103, Greenpoint, Brooklyn


The Blak Blondz mix acid techno with punk forcebeat guitar crunch, and boy do I love them.  Live visuals to accompany the music, the whole shebang.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Let's take a walk over to Glasserie, in a former glassworks near the mouth of Newtown Creek.  The room -- and its situation -- could not be more pleasing.  The Levantine/Mediterranean food is very good (even if it never quite regained its initial luster after the excellent opening chef, Sara Kramer, decamped for Los Angeles).