7:30 PM
Tiê & Rubel
Brasil Summerfest
(Le) Poisson Rouge
158 Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, Manhattan
$20 advance; $25 door
Why are Brazilian folkie singer-songwriters better than their American counterparts? Because they lilt.* Brazilians can't help but lilt, in whatever they do. Stan Getz got rich in the '60s reproducing that Brazilian lilt -- but Brazilians do it better. Tiê has been a very good practitioner of the Brazilian folkie singer-songwriter style over the last several years; I'm not totally in love with the rather insipid pop moves inserted on her latest album -- but, hey, she still lilts. Rubel, making his U.S. debut here, is an up-and-comer in the Brazilian folkie singer-songwriter field. He lilts, too. (Brasil Summerfest and LPR probably don't want me to tell you this, but just so you know, Tiê is also doing a free show under the Manhattan Bridge in DUMBO next week.)
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Before the show: Llamita (see above). After the show: Existing Conditions* is a new avant-cocktail bar from avant-cocktail king Dave Arnold, cocktail publisher/entrepreneur Greg Boehm, and cocktailian secret weapon (until now!) Don Lee. The cocktails are stunning, superb, great (right now I'm pretty hot for the Canary -- but don't rule out the Helicopter). I haven't tried Chef Josh Eden's food yet, but it looks really good as well.
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Earlier Event: August 4
Erin Bregman: This Is Not a Torture or an Engine
Later Event: August 4
Laff Trax (Toro y Moi + Nosaj Thing)