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  • Live at the Archway 202 Plymouth St NY, 11201 United States (map)

6:00 PM

Brasil Summerfest
Live at the Archway
Water Street btw. Adams Street & Anchorage Place, DUMBO, Brooklyn


Last week the Brasil Summerfest presented the Brazilian folkie singer-songwriter Tiê for pay at LPR.  This week she's appearing again, this time for free, as part of the weekly series of free concerts in a notably enchanting venue:  the archway underneath the Manhattan Bridge at Water Street in DUMBO.  As I said last week, I'm not totally enamored of the rather insipid pop moves on Tiê's latest album -- but her previous three were almost as enchanting as the space in which she's playing.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Let's get nostalgic.  Superfine was notable when it opened years ago because it was one of the first good restaurants (really a bar and restaurant) in DUMBO.  Now that there are lots of good places in the area, its vaguely Mediterranean-inflected food no longer seems so special.  But the place has never ever been anything less than loads of fun.  And that remains true now.

Earlier Event: August 8
Later Event: August 9
Xenia Rubinos