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Tokyo to New York

  • Bargemusic 1 Water Street Brooklyn, NY, 11201 United States (map)

8:00 PM

Here and Now Series
1 Water Street, Fulton Ferry Landing, Brooklyn

$40; $35 seniors; $20 students

When Bargemusic presents New Music, it's usually the kind of tradition-based, formally unchallenging kind that barely merits the name (and that this List generally has little time for).  This show is no exception.  But there's no denying that this stuff can be pleasant enough to listen to (even if it doesn't leave you with much).  And speaking of pleasant, nothing could be more pleasant than listening to music on the barge, with the Downtown Manhattan skyline looming in the background.  Here, the program features mixed ensembles playing music by composers from Tokyo and New York.  And one of the New York composers is Ned Rorem -- pleasant with a bullet, going all the way up to nearly sublime!

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Walk up the bluff to Noodle Pudding in Brooklyn Heights for good homey neighborhood Italian.

Earlier Event: September 14
Bedlam:  Uncle Romeo Vanya Juliet