3:00 PM
Skirball Center, NYU
566 LaGuardia Place, Greenwich Village, Manhattan
A 6-and-half-hour marathon dance-theater performance may not be for the faint of heart. But this is a major event. Bill T. Jones -- certainly one of the great artists of our time -- and his company have been performing parts of this trilogy around for the last few years, and now for the first time they present them all together (one a New York premiere). Each part recounts an individual personal story: two of Jones's relatives, one a fictional creation. The two parts I've seen have been extremely moving. This is the peak of American dance-theater, the movement intensifying the impact of the text, the text giving meaning and focus to the movement.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: There's a 90-minute dinner break. That seems like a lot, but to be safe your best bet is to scoot over to the Mexican cafe Atla for a quickish bite (try not to drink too much mezcal: you'll still have some dance-theater to watch!). Afterwards, you can go to the Knickerbocker Bar & Grill if you want some heavier food (Old Skool division) (be sure to start with a slice of the caviar pie!). Or -- and after all you'll have been through by then, you'll deserve this -- you can opt for Existing Conditions for unbelievably good cocktails (and good food, too).