7:00 PM
Areté Venue & Gallery
67 West Street #103, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Discretionary donation
The Geneva-based publishing-and-performing venture Copypasta Editions presents a New York showcase for associated artists, all dabbling in various types of electronic noise. The main act was supposed to be an orchestra of obsolete function generators -- devices that produce waveforms used to test electronic sound equipment -- but the devices failed to meet airline luggage restrictions, so we'll have to make due with a chance to buy the orchestra's newly-released album. There will, however, be live performances of napcore (to take you down) and BDSM noise (to jolt you back up) -- and an aftershow dance party!
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Let's pretend Summer isn't (traditionally) over and have some tacos at Oxomoco, which is having its moment.
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Earlier Event: September 3
Brooklyn Wildlife Summer Festival
Later Event: September 4
Lee Breuer & Bob Telson: The Gospel at Colonus