7:30 PM
John Heginbotham & Maira Kalman: HERZ SCHMERZ
Baryshnikov Arts Center
450 West 37th Street, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan
To say that you can easily tell that John Heginbotham came out of Mark Morris's company is not to say that his work is derivative; it's just that it has that Morrisanian combination of whimsy and deep attention to structure, albeit in a different way. But if you love Morris's stuff, you'll at least like Heginbotham's (and Heginbotham's company always has splendid, characterful dancers). This piece is based on the writings of Robert Walser (who forever dispells any notion that Swiss people are never amusing) (something that can't be said about the Romantic composer Hans Huber, whose music is used). Higinbotham could not have a more fitting accomplice than the equally whimsical — and wholly wonderful — illustrator Maira Kalman.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Into the belly of the beast for very good Nouvelle Korean at Momofuku Kāwi.
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Earlier Event: October 10
Sputter Box: Music for 8x11 Rug
Later Event: October 10
Laura Farré Rozada: The French Reverie