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Neil Rolnick: Journey's End

8:00 PM

Neil Rolnick: Journey's End
509 Atlantic Avenue (entrance on 3rd Avenue), Boerum Hill, Brooklyn

$18 advance; $25 door

Neil Rolnick composes some of the most sheerly listenable and enjoyable, even tuneful — and relatable and human — electronic and electroacoustic music you've ever heard. Maybe it's because his pieces are almost always about something. As, in the lead pieces tonight, the recent death of Rolnick's wife and the peace she found before dying (a subject of immense interest to Your Self-Pitying Compiler) — with additional interest supplied for all you non-self-pitiers by the participation of the fabulous pianist Kathleen Supové and dancers Julia Bengtsson and Mauricio Vera (as well as Rolnick's late wife herself, captured on voicemail messages). Other pieces on the program feature video projections with the electronics, singers with the electronics, various instrumentalists with the electronics, and Rolnick playing piano along with the electronics. I urge you to attend.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Been to the new soul food restaurant around the corner yet?

Earlier Event: November 12
Lap-See Lam: Phantom Bouquet
Later Event: November 12
Arthur Miller: The Crucible