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Yu Cheng-Ta: Fameme

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2019 (continuing through NOVEMBER 24)
12:00 - 3:00 PM

Yu Cheng-Ta: Fameme
Performa 19
Wallplay 321 Canal
321 Canal Street, Soho, Manhattan


Taiwanese media artist Yu Cheng-Ta explores the cultural phenomena of social media influencers and food trends by tracing, through live and video performances, the attempts of a fictional Taiwanese farmer to promote durian in New York (good luck!).

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: How nice that the tres lovely all-day café La Mercerie is right around the corner. To my taste, their Crêpe Complète is one of the best dishes in New York.

Earlier Event: November 2
Shu Lea Cheang: Sleep 1237
Later Event: November 2
Samson Young: The Immortals