5:30 PM
Feldman: Triadic Memories
Taka Kigawa
Modern Piano (+) Festival
70 Flushing Avenue, Garage A, Fort Greene, Brooklyn
$15; $10 students
Morton Feldman's music stops time. It's as if Bruckner were a secular Jew from 20th Century Queens who hung out with Cage instead of a devout Catholic from 19th Century Austria who worshiped Wagner. Or as if "Dark Star" were written by an intellectually rigorous guy from Queens instead of a buncha San Francisco hippies. Meaning, it's like nothing else at all. It's also extremely beautiful. To come off, this extended solo piano piece requires immense concentration from the player; Taka Kigawa's your man.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: If it's Sunday night at Spectrum, it's gotta be Vinegar Hill House.
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Earlier Event: December 1
Pioneers Go East Collective: Virgo Star
Later Event: December 2
Winter Puppet Parlor