Britten: A Ceremony of Carols
The Boys of the Saint Thomas Choir & Sarah Cutler
Saint Thomas Church
1 West 53rd Street, Midtown, Manhattan
You really ought to hear Britten's A Ceremony of Carols every Christmas season. It has all the characteristics that make Britten so compelling: the constant harmonic surprises within the tonality he adheres to, the little touches that are always perfect to what he's trying to convey, the almost fanatical (in an understated British way) desire to communicate while being constantly inventive and original. All that and: Christmas! While The Boys of the Saint Thomas Choir aren't quite the OG Thomanerchor, they're splendid indeed. Making the program even more appealing, Sarah Cutler, the harpist in the Britten, is showcased in a piece I'll bet you've never heard that I'll bet you'll absolutely love: Granjany's gorgeous Aria in Classical Style (also showcased will be Saint Thomas's magnificent new organ). With that and other appealing stuff, we can forgive them Sleigh Ride (if it's not by the Ronettes, I don't want it).
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Can't do better around there than The Bar Room at The Modern.