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Doug Balliett: Gawain and the Green Knight

Doug Balliett: Gawain and the Green Knight


7:00 PM

St. Mary's Church
440 Grand Street, Lower East Side, Manhattan


Doug Balliett is one of a clutch of local young composers who very winningly combine Early Music usages with contemporary alt classical styles.  Look at this as a prequel to the immensely entertaining piece about Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot that Balliett's colleague Elliot Cole presented a few weeks ago (which you should be very regretful if you missed — don't repeat that miscall now!).  The music is played by the excellent local Early Music band Acronym; among the singers are rising-star tenor Karim Sulayman as Gawain and such stars of the local scene — masters of this kind of music — as Charlotte MundyMolly Netter, and Jesse Blumberg.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:   The ticket price includes "dainties" and champagne!  But man and woman don't live on dainties and champagne alone.  Les Enfantes de Bohème not only serves correct French bistro food, but it's cool as shit.

Later Event: December 30