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Horváth / Christopher Shinn: Judgment Day

THURSDAY - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 - 7, 2019 (continuing through JANUARY 10)

Horváth / Christopher Shinn: Judgment Day
Wade Thompson Drill Hall, Park Avenue Armory
643 Park Avenue, Upper East Side, Manhattan


Ödön von Horváth is one of those endlessly sardonic Central European writers from the second quarter of the last century whose works are so completely compelling. This play, his last (in an irony right out of one of his writings, having fled the Nazis, he died in Paris in a freak accident when struck by a falling tree branch during a thunderstorm) — adapted here by Christopher Shinn — explores moral and social issues centering on guilt in the context of a sort of thriller. It's set in a train station, and you can bet director Richard Jones — he did the spectacular Hairy Ape here a few years ago — will make apt use of the cavernous Drill Hall in recreating that space.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: '50s throwback Donahue's Steak House really is the most entertaining place to eat around here.

Earlier Event: December 5
Giacomo Baldelli