7:30 PM
Gregory Nagel: J.S. Bach's Orgelbüchlein
The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
1047 Amsterdam Avenue, Morningside Heights, Manhattan
It's Bach's birthday! And you're invited! (If you pay the ticket price.) The Orgelbüchlein may sound forbidding, but all it means is "Little Organ Book" (OK: no jokes!) (it's his birthday). There's a reason that Bach's collected output constitutes the greatest body of music ever created by a European, and these chorale preludes, simple pieces in which Bach first realized his ideal of combining absolute intellectual rigor with absolute emotional/spiritual fervor, are a part.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: It is very hard to send you to St. John the Divine and not to then send you across the street to the delightful Hungarian Pastry Shop. Bach himself would have loved to celebrate his birthday there!
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Earlier Event: March 21
Sasha Velour: Smoke & Mirrors
Later Event: March 21
Mark Fell feat. Okkyung Lee / Kara-Lis Coverdale: Solo Organ / LXV