7:00 PM
Paul O'Dette: Mr. Dowland's Midnight
Music Before 1800
Kockiuszko Foundation
15 East 65th Street, Upper East Side, Manhattan
Paul O'Dette playing the exquisitely sad lute music of English Renaissance master John Dowland is about as sure a thing as there is. So big surprise that this show is sold out. Look for last-minute cancellations.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Walk over a block and go to the bar at Restaurant Daniel. Or, get in a cab and get the fuck out of that intolerable neighborhood. (Before the show, you can have an absolutely fantastic turkey club at the Viand, followed by an ambrosial rice pudding.)
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Earlier Event: March 20
Biliana Voutchkova & Hans Tammen
Later Event: March 21
Blitzstein: The Cradle Will Rock