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Mariel Roberts feat. Eric Wubbels

12:00 PM

Mariel Roberts feat. Eric Wubbels
Gould Memorial Library Rotunda, Bronx Community College
2155 University Avenue #107, University Heights, Bronx


Mariel Roberts is an excellent (and, if I'm allowed to say so, extremely glamorous) cellist-about-town, playing to great effect wherever New Music is heard.  This recital focuses on the gnarlier side of New Music -- skeptics be warned -- and features a piece by Chicago electronic composer Sam Pluta, one by Roberts herself, and -- best of all -- the star cut on Roberts's last album (actually, no:  the album is so good you can't pick out a star cut), Wet Inker Eric Wubbels's instrumental take on Gretchen Am Spinnrade (and trust me, in Wubbels's hands, it's a wild ride!).  Wubbels will join Roberts on piano for his piece.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  First of all, be sure to take a walk around BCC's hilltop campus, formerly the Uptown NYU campus.  It's all brilliantly imposing Stanford White Classical Revival (with the Gould Memorial Library Rotunda in fact the centerpiece), supplemented by prime back-in-style Marcel BreuerBrutalism (in a landscape designed by Calvert Vaux's firm).  Then, take a half-hour walk to Belmont (singing I Wonder Why and Teenager in Love along the way) for the Albanian restaurant that had Pete Wells going wild a couple of weeks ago, Çka Ka Qëllu.