SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019
3:00 PM
22-25 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, Queens
How great is Klein, the South London composer/playwright/performer whose dense, propulsive music incorporates R&B, electronics, noise, and found sounds and field recordings? Really great, is the answer. This is major.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Before the show, the usual Sunday-brunch-in-LIC recommendation of Bierocracy for beer and sausage (I don't have much use for Sunday brunch). After the show, go to Red Sauce heaven at Manducatis (and don't even think of ordering a wine by the glass when their bottle mark-ups are so ridiculously low).
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Earlier Event: April 14
Handel: Semele
Later Event: April 14
Dawn Upshaw feat. The Bard College Conservatory Graduate Vocal Arts Program