FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 3 & 4, 2019
7:00 PM
Fado Festival
Winter Garden, Brookfield Place
230 Vesey Street, Battery Park City, Manhattan
Fado -- the urban music of Lisbon and Coimbra -- is the saddest music in the world. Portuguese, filled with resentment and self-loathing over the fact thattheirs was the most powerful country in the world for a century and change 700 years ago but they then threw it down the toilet to become one of the worst-performing economies in Europe, channel all that into achingly beautiful guitar-accompanied songs about the impossibility of requited love (especially on the edge of a huge ocean that people can disappear onto whenever they want). These two free shows feature sets by two singers each. The pick is the Friday show, because it features Camané, one of the best Fadistos now performing. But on Saturday you can hear his brother, Helder Moutinho, who isn't fígado picado himself.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Fancy barbecue (if you can conceive of such a thing) at Holy Ground.
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Earlier Event: May 2
Stradella: La Susanna
Later Event: May 3