7:00 PM
The Orchestra Now: De Profundis: Out of the Depths
Carnegie Hall
881 7th Avenue, Midtown, Manhattan
Former wunderkind Leon Botstein is a frustrating conductor. He's a whiz at programming, playing rare, interesting repertoire in thought-provoking combinations. But he's a stolid, sludgy music-maker. (To be sure, he has a lot more going on in his life than just conducting.) So this show, themed around interpretations of Psalm 130 ("Out of the depths . . . ."), is full of music you'd love to hear, even if the performances may leave you wanting more. A contemporary violin concerto by the graceful Lera Auerbach. A piece by Lili Boulanger, a French post-Romantic whose tuneful music with a hint of tartness would, people are now coming to realize, be played all the time if the composer weren't (a) a woman who (b) died tragically young. A Virgil Thomson piece that gives the lie to the commonplace that the poptart American composer/critic never wrote anything deep (no pun intended). And obscure Germanic High Romanticism by Joachim Raff, whose work will, if nothing else, make you really appreciate Brahms.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: A good night for the Modern Indian at Indian Accent.
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Brooklyn Youth Chorus: Silent Voices: Lovestate
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