FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 3 & 4, 2019
8:00 PM
The Stone Series: Tomas Fujiwara
Happylucky No. 1
734 Nostrand Avenue, Crown Heights, Brooklyn
Tomas Fujiwara is a master drummer, constantly shifting and improvising around a strong rhythmic thread. But sometimes you get the feeling that he's almost even more concentrated on playing bands -- collections of interestingly disparate musicians -- than on playing his drums. So while the first night of this two-night residency, featuring a quartet with the great Mary Halvorson on guitar, Patricia Brennan on vibes, and the (happily) omnipresent Nick Dunston on bass, is extremely appealing, the second night, featuring Fujiwara playing solo, may be even more interesting in finally putting his playing solidly in the spotlight.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: I'll spare you the (great) backstory this time and just remind you that David's Brisket House has some of the best pastrami in Brooklyn. And the brisket's nothing to sneer at, either. (If you're me, you'll have a combo.)
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Earlier Event: May 3
Messiaen: Turangalila-Symphonie
Later Event: May 3
Look & Listen Festival