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Eric Wubbels: Voided Cross (for Michael Heizer)

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2019
8:00 PM

Eric Wubbels: Voided Cross (for Michael Heizer)

The DiMenna Center for Classical Music
450 West 37th Street, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan


Hypercube, the exciting sax/guitar/piano/percussion quartet, gives the U.S. premiere of a piece by Wet Inker Eric Wubbels that all concerned promise will be loud.  As if that weren't enough, there are also pieces by Hypercube's sax player, Erin Rogers (whose compositions never fail to surprise and intrigue), and Los Angeles composer/guitarist Nicholas Deyoe (whose work is right up this band's street).

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Once again, turn your back on the banal evil that is Hudson Yards and make your way to the hearty and delicious Central Asian food at the jolly Farida.