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75 Dollar Bill: Record Release Show

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2019

8:00 PM

75 Dollar Bill: Record Release Show
509 Atlantic Avenue (entrance on 3rd Avenue), Boerum Hill, Brooklyn


I guess you'd call 75 Dollar Bill homemade outsider avant-garde music. They're basically pop rather than classical -- but out there on the frontier where genre distinctions don't make much difference (GENRE MUST DIE). There are elements of Minimalism, world music, even blues -- as well, of course, as our old friends No Wave and noise. All played on homemade instruments that hit microtones you might not be used to hearing from this kind of band. What's surprising is how groovy it all is. The opening act, Chicago psych-experimental band Joshua Abrams & Natural Information Society, play extended psychedelic pieces with some similar elements as 75 Dollar Bill but less groovy, less dancey, certainly less noisy -- and, occasionally, more boring.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Hollow Nickel is sort of the Roulette post-show headquarters. The beer and cocktails are nothing special, but the burgers are perfectly adequate.