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Les Boulangers

2:00 PM

Les Boulangers
Dell'Arte Opera Ensemble
66 East 4th Street, East Village, Manhattan

$22-$25; $18-$22 seniors; $15 students

Nadia Boulanger you probably know: the legendary Parisian composition teacher who formed the sensibility of a generation of 20th Century American symphonists (and Quincy Jones) -- and who also composed a little. Her sister Lili you might not know -- which is a pity, as Lili Boulanger was a superb composer whose works would be played all the time if she were born with Y chromosomes. This recital features songs by both of them, as well as other female composers, including such worthy usual constituents of unjustly-neglected-female-composer song programs as Clara Schumann (she's really beginning to look rather major, isn't she?), Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, andAlma Mahler.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Mid-day in the East Village, stunning sandwich shop Foxface remains your prime choice (you heard it here first).