WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - 7, 2019 (also on SEPTEMBER 26, 2019)
7:00 PM
Joe's Pub, Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street, NoHo, Manhattan
$25 advance; $30 door
A staggering array of contemporary choreographers presents samples from things they're working on. As always with a festival like this, any night is worth attending. But special note must be made of Friday's show, whose long line-up includes both the playful Post-Modernist Doug Elkins and the psychologically acute, theatrical-but-non-narrative Kate Weare.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: Fresh, stylish Thai seafood at Fish Cheeks.
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Earlier Event: September 4
Mac Wellman: Bad Penny
Later Event: September 4
Dave Douglas feat. Charles Tolliver: A Homage to Booker Little