Decoder / Catherine McCrae / Cushions
8:00 PM
The Collapsible Hole
155 Bank Street, West Village, Manhattan
Decoder takes a night off from being an insane surrealist music/theater company to be an insane surrealist music band. Joining them on the bill is Cushions, an art-ska band drummed by none other than Kristen Worrall, pastry chef and star of the ab fab Nature Theater of Oklahoma theater piece Life and Times. I frankly don't know who Catherine McCrae is.
MAKE A NIGHT OF IT: As I said the last time I recommended something at The Collapsible Hole, one of the Big Secrets of NYC dining is that West Village Austrian Walsé is still very good. If you're feeling less hungry, less spendy, and more casual, you can go to their wine bar next store (although I caution it isn't nearly as good). Also, don't forget to walk by The Spotted Pig and spit on it.