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Talya Chalef, Christopher Ross-Ewart, Jess Kaufman, David Blackman, Johanna Kasimow: Assembly

Talya Chalef, Christopher Ross-Ewart, Jess Kaufman, David Blackman, Johanna Kasimow: Assembly

THURSDAY – SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 – 19, 2020 (continuing through FEBRUARY 2)
6:00 PM – 7:15 PM (at 15-minute intervals) THURSDAY
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM (at 15-minute intervals) FRIDAY - SUNDAY

Exponential Festival
Super Secret Location, Brooklyn


A big-box store becomes a site for worlds, fantasies, and meditations as the members of the audience are given an app to download and set loose to wander, creating their own guided adventures that somehow cumulatively have to do with the experience of turning 40.  You get the location and assembly point after you buy a ticket.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  I don't know where this is!  (I have my suspicions.)

Earlier Event: January 15
Deniz Khateri: The Cello's Diary
Later Event: January 16
Komuna // Warszawa: Cezary Goes to War