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Phylis & Aristotle / Angela Morris's Medium Low

Phylis & Aristotle / Angela Morris's Medium Low

8:00 PM

The Mendoza Pavone Winter Music Series
Happylucky No. 1
734 Nostrand Avenue, Crown Heights, Brooklyn


Key Brooklyn musicians Jessica Pavone and Ava Mendoza kick off this season's set of concerts they curate at Happylucky No. 1 with a really great one.  Phylis & Aristotle is a duo comprising Judith Berkson — almost certainly the best cantor–avant-garde vocalist/instrumentalist/composer in New York, if not the world — and Franke Vogl, once a stalwart of the fabled DC hardcore scene (and if you don't find that an immensely interesting combination, you probably should be reading another List).  Saxophonist Angela Morris — one of the jewels of the Brooklyn jazz scene (which means she has her toes dipped into avant-jazz, New Music, and pop) — leads a new (at least to me) ensemble.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  Peppa's Jerk Chicken:  it's REALLY good.