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Paul Pinto: "I Wonder if She Can Tell I'm Hard Right Now . . . Hmm" and Other Classics

Paul Pinto: "I Wonder if She Can Tell I'm Hard Right Now . . . Hmm" and Other Classics


8:00 PM

SMUSH Gallery
340 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey


Crazy-like-a-fox vocalist/performer/composer Paul Pinto, one of the very best and most entertaining performers on the current New York scene, curates a salon of music (and other kinds of sound), dance, performance, and whathaveyou.  I can almost guaranty a good time!

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  OK, I'll admit it:  this venue isn't near anything I know in Jersey City.  So I'm going to tell you to take a cab to the show from Bread and Salt, a Pittsburgh transplant whose Roman-style pizza (not to mention meatballs) has people singing Hossanah on high.

Earlier Event: January 8
Richard Maxwell: Queens Row
Later Event: January 8
Savannah Reich: Caveman Play