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Holly Bass: Moneymaker

Holly Bass: Moneymaker

8:00 AM – 8:00 PM LIVE
2:00 – 5:00 PM STREAMED

New York Live Arts
219 West 19th Street, Chelsea, Manhattan


Sporting a pompadourHolly Bass takes inspiration from James Brown and Sarah Bartmaan (the "Venus Hottentot") and dances all day to 20th Century pop music as well as Malcolm XShirley Chisolm, and Fanny Lou Hamer.  You can watch her live through NYLA's front windows on West 19th Street from 8 to 8, or online from 2 to 5.

MAKE A NIGHT OF IT:  If you go live, I never thought I'd be sending people to Westville — but such are the times we live in.  At home, make yourself a Rolls Royce:  pour 2 oz. Gin, 1/2 oz. each of sweet Vermouth and dry Vermouth, and 1/4 oz. Bénédictine, into an ice-filled cocktail shaker.  Stir.  Strain into a chilled Martini glass or coupe.  Garnish with lemon twist.

Later Event: October 24
Lisa Bielawa: Voters Broadcast